I read an inspiring article, called “Just Write.”
In that article, Sara states that:

This really helped me get over my concern that I wouldn’t be able to add value with my writing.
So, here I am, writing. It’s harder than I thought, in some ways, and I don’t know how long I’ll keep it up – I wasn’t very good at doing LiveJournal regularly (wow, who remembers those days?!), nor do I update my cooking blog regularly – but regardless, I’m looking forward to trying.
It’s a way to practice writing and sharing my thoughts, if nothing else, which is certainly valuable. It’s a way for me to look back on articles years later, and remember what I was thinking at the time, and perhaps learn from myself. That’s certainly how I use my cooking blog – to remember recipes!
While I’m a user experience expert, I plan to write about other things as well – really, anything I’ve learned in the workplace. For example, what do you need to consider in estimating creative projects? What do you do when a client wants your Excel taxonomy to look pretty? etc.
If you’re reading this – welcome! I hope you enjoy.